Our Spiritual Community

Connect With Fellow Soul Seekers Amidst Sacred Community


Often when we think of healing- our mind jumps to notions of miraculous & spontaneous cures for physical ailments and illness. At Soul Celebration Sanctuary, the kind of healing we facilitate is deep interrogation for dis-ease of the soul.

Soul Celebration Sanctuary was formed in 2015 in response to gentle (and not so gentle) and persistent urging by Spirit to relocate to Martha’s Vineyard on the very particular and sacred land where we currently reside. Here we are called to tend to matters of spiritual exploration, growth, and honoring.

For more than 16 years, Mary Beth Daniels was a frequent vacationer to the island- balancing home, career, and her own spiritual journey toward truth & transformation. Spirit’s first directive required Mary Beth to leave behind her lucrative corporate career to attend seminary. She complied, and was subsequently stretched, shaped, & molded into a new being through a  process which included serious inquiry of sacred scriptures and immersion in diverse cultures like India & the Philippines. She was changed by Spirit in profound ways. Spirit then lead Mary Beth- not into the traditional church, a faith community, or academia- but rather, onto the shores of Martha’s Vineyard- an idyllic island off the coast of Cape Cod.

The island has a soul-centric history. The Wampanoags were the first people of Martha’s Vineyard which they named Noepe. Called People of the First Light, the Wampanoags have always had a mystical connection to the land and- together with their ancestors- celebrate a rich spiritual heritage. This same connection can still be felt today. “I was drawn to this land by Spirit,” Mary Beth recalls. “The moment I stepped upon this ground, I felt the energy- the history- the sacred yearning springing from the earth. I had found a Sanctuary- not just for self- but to share with other seekers.” From the multiple pastures that are home to 50 alpaca friends to the Healing Arts Center, the Lotus Pond, the Main House, and the Retreat House with ocean views- you cannot help but become completely encapsulated within the sanctity and splendor of our Healing Community at Soul Celebration Sanctuary. Come for a day or for a week. Honor your soul’s call to rediscover who you are (Self)- whose you are (Source)- and why you are here (Sacred Purpose). Learn More –>